Monday, 13 December 2021

Outside Inside

Outside Inside
By LeUyen Pham

I'm not crying, you're crying! Outside Inside is all about the pandemic bringing people everywhere indoors."Something strange happened on an unremarkable day just before the season changed. Everybody who was outside ... went inside." Pham's artwork is gentle and gorgeous and will help children understand and process the pandemic. The best testament to essential workers and the power of community to come out of the pandemic.

Monday, 6 December 2021

Hello, Rain!

Hello, Rain!
By Kyo Maclear and Chris Turnham

"Every rainfall plays a different tune." This ode to the rainstorm is celebratory and sweet. It will remind us to embrace those rainy days, splashing in puddles and cozying up indoors. 

Repetitive text is arranged poetically: "Rumble rumble./Distant thunder./Rain is coming,/rain is coming." while retro illustrations carrying a printmaking quality are whimsical and quite pretty. 

Nostalgia and fun, all wrapped up in this evocative picturebook that engages the senses.